Credit for Prior Learning

You may be able to earn college credit for what you have learned from work and life experiences. This is called Credit for Prior Learning. Earning credit for prior learning may allow you to reduce your course load and complete your program in less time, with less expense!

Your learning may come from any of the following, and much more:

  • High School Articulated College Credit
  • Independent Study
  • Military Service
  • Professional Workshops/Trainings
  • Volunteer Activities
  • Work Experience

Credit for Prior Learning is available to students who have been admitted to Century College and plan to complete a degree, diploma or certificate at the college.

Advisor talking with a student while she points at a piece of paper.

Ways to Earn Credit for Prior Learning

Learning obtained through sources other than college-level coursework is evaluated through Prior Learning Assessments. Below is a list of Prior Learning Assessments recognized at Century College.

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