To ensure the health and safety of our campus community, Century College is following guidance from the Center for Disease Control (CDC), the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), and the Minnesota State System Office. The driving factor behind our decisions will continue to be the health, safety, and well-being of students, faculty, and staff. We ask all employees and students to be familiar with the current health and safety measures in place. As Century College receives ongoing guidance from the CDC, MDH, and the Minnesota State System Office this will be communicated to our campus community and updated on this web page.
View the Century College Campus Preparedness Plan for detailed information about our COVID-19 mitigation strategies and health and safety protocols. This plan will be updated as new guidance is received.
Health and Safety Measures
Friday, February 25, 2022, the CDC updated the metrics used to inform their mitigation recommendations, including masking These measures have three levels: low (green), medium (yellow), and high (orange). The levels are based on a mix of case rates, total new COVID-19 hospital admissions over 7 days, and the 7-day average of percent of staffed inpatient beds occupied. Masks are not required at the “low” level. At “medium,” the recommendation on masks is to “talk to your healthcare provider” if you are at high risk for severe illness about whether you need to wear a mask, so it’s at the individual level and not a global mask recommendation.
Using these metrics, Century College currently falls into the “low level” (green category) and the use of masks is no longer required in indoor public settings at the College.
We should all respect and support employees and students who choose to continue to wear masks as that is their choice. The College approach to masking is an institution-wide determination, and individual faculty or staff cannot deviate from the institution’s overall approach (except in those programmatic areas where masks may be required in healthcare settings). The CDC guidance recommends that individuals who are immunocompromised or at high risk for severe disease should talk to their healthcare provider about whether masks or other precautions are warranted.
Looking ahead, if our counties remain at the “low” or “medium” community transmission level, there will be no mask requirement planned for the fall 2022 & spring 2023 semesters. If local community levels or campus cases increase, then masking requirements may be reimplemented after consultation with the Minnesota Department of Health, local public health officials, and the Minnesota State system office.
Century College will take the following steps should a change of level within our counties require us to shift:

The best approach to ending the pandemic and protecting the health and safety of yourself and others is to get vaccinated. All employees and students are strongly encouraged to get vaccinated to reach the highest level of protection against contracting COVID-19, becoming severely ill, and infecting others. Visit the MDH vaccination web page for more information. Century College will support vaccination opportunities by offering vaccination on-site clinics when these can be arranged with Washington and Ramsey counties and the Minnesota department of Health.
Vaccination Requirements or Weekly Testing for Employees, Contractors and Vendors
Effective May 24, 2022, MMB has rescinded policy #1446, meaning employees, contractors, vendors, volunteers, and interns are no longer required to show proof of vaccination or submit to weekly testing.
Student Vaccination Guidelines
No requirement for student proof of vaccination will be in place for fall 2022 and spring 2023, assuming community levels and campus cases remain at “low” or “medium” levels.
Vaccination Requirements for External Clinical Sites
Information regarding this requirement for these student groups will be communicated directly to the students impacted.
Century College’s clinical partners are dedicated to preventing illnesses and caring for the communities that they serve. Our clinical partners have been concerned about the continued transmission of COVID-19 and many are requiring vaccinations to participate in clinical settings. As partners with each clinical site, Century’s health science programs (i.e., Nursing, Nursing Assistant, Medical Assistant, Radiologic Technology) are required to abide by the safety and health requirements of the clinical sites.
Going forward, many of the clinical partners for Century’s health science programs are requiring students to be vaccinated against COVID-19 to participate in the required clinical experiences. Students enrolled in programs and courses with clinical rotations will have received direct communication about vaccination requirements and deadlines for vaccinations, as required by clinical affiliates.
Students and Century College may not waive health policy or immunization requirements set by clinical affiliates. As the clinical experience is part of the Century’s health science programs to meet course outcomes, students who do not abide by clinical affiliate health policy or immunization requirements will be unable to attend clinicals, which will result in not being able to meet the course outcomes. The College also cannot guarantee another site if students cannot meet the clinical site requirements. As such, students are encouraged to register for their Fall 2022/Spring 2023 courses only if they have been vaccinated or intend to be vaccinated by required deadlines.
The requirement for masks in health care settings did not change with the new guidelines.
Be alert for symptoms. Watch for fever, cough, shortness of breath, or other symptoms of COVID-19. To protect the safety of employees and students, please do not come to campus if you have symptoms of COVID-19.
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
Century College has met or exceeded CDC guidelines for cleaning in classrooms, study spaces, and public spaces, with a special focus on high-touch surfaces. Cleaning supplies, including hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipe dispensers, in classroom spaces, dining areas, study spaces, and other high-traffic areas are available and allow for self-service cleaning. Century College uses cleaning products on the EPA List for Use Against SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19).
Century College will still follow safety protocols for cleaning based on the most current CDC’s recommendations on cleaning.
For Additional Information
- Coronavirus Disease in Minnesota
- Minnesota Department of Health: Information for Schools
- Minnesota Department of Health
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- World Health Organization
Archived Century Student Communications
Subject: Welcome Fall 2022 and Health & Safety
Century College students –
Welcome to Fall Semester 2022 at Century College! We are excited and grateful that you chose Century College to start or continue your educational journey. Our mission at Century College is to inspire, prepare, and empower students to succeed in a change world. We are committed to this mission and will work tirelessly to provide you with every opportunity for success.
As this new academic year begins, we would like to share some resources and information that will position you for the best start.
Health & Safety
The health and safety of our college community is our top priority. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 virus is still prevalent within our communities, and we must continue to work together to ensure that we are all safe. Century College adheres to guidance provided by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Minnesota Department of Health (MHD), and Minnesota State. The following is based on this information and guidance.
1. Case Reporting. If you have tested positive for COVID-19, you should contact your instructor(s) immediately, as well as notify
2. Masking. Mask requirements at Century College are based on the CDC’s community transmission levels. Currently, our transmission level is low, so masks are NOT REQUIRED on campus; however, the transmission level could change quickly, so keep masks on hand or these can be purchased in the bookstore. Read all messages from the college so that you are aware of all critically important information. Even though there are no mask mandates currently, nothing prohibits any student from wearing a mask or asking others in shared spaces to do the same, at any time. We are recommending that students in large indoor gatherings consider wearing masks. The type of mask matters, as such, consider wearing the higher efficacy masks (KN95 or N95). These are available in the college Bookstore on West campus.
3. Testing Clinics. To schedule a COVID-19 test, please click here.
4. Vaccination Clinics. To schedule a vaccine, please click here. Century College will be hosting a Community Vaccination Clinic on September 28 from 11am-4pm in Lincoln Mall.
5. Stay Home If Sick. As a reminder, the College continues to ask that you stay home if feeling sick, practice proper hand hygiene, use the sanitizing stations around campus, and respect the personal space and boundaries of others. Please report your absences to your instructor(s).
6. Quarantine & Isolation. New CDC guidelines indicate that people exposed to the virus do not need to quarantine as a cautionary measure. People who test positive; however, should still isolate for at least 5 days.
7. Isolation Spaces. The College has designated an Isolation Room (E2322) for use in case you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms and cannot leave campus immediately.
8. Other Virus Monitoring. We continue to monitor through the CDC and MDH the emergence of other viruses that may impact our campus, such as Monkeypox (MPX). As of August 15, there have been 72 confirmed cases of MPX reported in Minnesota. Additional information on MPX can be found at this link.
Stay informed of current COVID-19 guidelines and information by visiting the COVID-19 Information web page.
We urge you to stay connected, get involved, and utilize the resources available to you at Century College. Remember to check your emails, the Wood Duck weekly, the Century College app, and Century College’s social media channels to stay up to date on the news and information you need to know.
Welcome to our Century College community!
Century College
Subject: Important Update on Face Covering/Masking Guidelines
Century College Students -
As Century College continues to monitor the state of COVID-19 and follow the guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), and the Minnesota State system office, this communication provides an important update on new CDC guidance and how it impacts our Century College community.
New CDC COVID-19 Community Level
Friday, February 25, the CDC updated the metrics used to inform their mitigation recommendations, including face coverings/masking: These measures have three levels: low (green), medium (yellow), and high (orange). The levels are based on a mix of case rates, total new COVID-19 hospital admissions over 7 days, and the 7-day average of percent of staffed inpatient beds occupied. Face coverings are not required at the “low” level. At “medium,” the recommendation on face coverings is to “talk to your healthcare provider” if you are at high risk for severe illness about whether you need to wear a mask, so it’s at the individual level and not a global mask recommendation.
Using this metric, Ramsey County and Washington County, where Century College resides, falls within the “low” transmission level, therefore, effective immediately, the use of face coverings/masks is no longer required in indoor public settings at the College.
Students, employees, and visitors may choose to continue wearing face coverings on campus and we should all respect and support those who make that choice. The CDC guidance recommends that individuals who are immunocompromised or at a high risk for severe disease should talk to their healthcare provider about whether face coverings or other precautions are warranted.
Looking ahead, Century, if our counties remain at the “low” or “medium” community transmission level, there will be no face covering requirement planned for the summer or fall 2022 semesters. If local community levels or campus cases increase, then face covering requirements may be re-implemented after consultation with the Minnesota Department of Health, local public health officials, and the Minnesota State system office.
Student Proof of Vaccination and Testing Guidelines
The existing guidelines for student proof of vaccination or testing as it applies to students in specific situations will remain in place through March 13. On Monday, March 14, there will no longer be a proof of vaccination or testing requirement for students in athletic or student activities designated by the college or university. No requirement will be in place for summer and fall 2022, assuming community levels and campus cases remain at “low” or “medium” levels. However, some students may remain subject to MMB Policy #1446, these include, but may not be limited to, student employees, student athletes if required by an athletic conference, or an external organization that serves as a clinical or internship placement site.
Get Vaccinated!
This change is an encouraging step in the right direction; however, until our community of students and employees are fully vaccinated, there is still a risk of exposure and spread. We continue to strongly encourage our employees and students to get vaccinated to protect the safety of self and others. Please visit the Minnesota Department of Health website for vaccination information. Or visit our Century College COVID-19 vaccination clinic today, March 2 or upcoming on March 30.
As a reminder, the College continues to ask that you stay home if feeling sick, practice proper hand hygiene, use the sanitizing stations around campus, and respect the personal space and boundaries of others. Please continue to make choices regarding your own safety, including the use of face coverings, social distancing indoors, and avoiding large crowds and close spaces around those you do not know.Thank you for your cooperation and continued vigilance.
Stay safe and be well,
Century College
TO: All Students
RE: Updated COVID-19 Isolation and Quarantine Guidelines
Century College Students –
The Spring 2022 semester is underway and we want to make sure that every student has an opportunity to complete their classes in the same manner in which they started. We can do that with your cooperation. If you have any COVID-19 symptoms, have recently been exposed to someone who tested positive with COVID-19, or if you test positive for COVID-19, contact your instructor(s) immediately and notify Please stay at home when sick regardless of your symptoms to limit the exposure and continue to protect the health and safety of other students and employees of the College. Faculty are ready to work with you, so please communicate your circumstances as soon as you can.
Also, we would like to share that the Centers for Disease and Prevention Control (CDC) has updated their recommendations for quarantine and isolation periods when sick or exposed to COVID-19. Last week, the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) adopted these recommendations and have provided updated guidance for Century College and Minnesota higher education institutions.
Effective immediately, the following isolation and quarantine guidelines will apply:
For those Testing Positive for COVID-19:
- Isolate – regardless of vaccination status
- Stay home for at least 5 days
- If you don’t have symptoms or your symptoms are resolving, and you are fever free without fever reducing medication, you can leave your house after 5 days
- Wear a mask around others for an additional 5 days
For those Exposed to someone with a COVID-19 Positive Test:
If you are Up-to-Date with COVID-19 vaccination
- Been boosted
- Had two doses of Pfizer or Moderna in the last 5 months
- Had the Johnson & Johnson vaccine in the last 2months
- You do not need to stay home
- Wear a mask for 10 days
- Test on day 5, if possible
- If you develop symptoms, get tested and stay home
If you are NOT Up-to-Date with COVID-19 vaccination
- Had two doses of Pfizer or Moderna vaccine over 5 months ago and are not boosted
- Had only one dose of Pfizer or Moderna vaccine
- Had the Johnson & Johnson vaccine over 2 months ago
- Are unvaccinated
- Stay at home for 5 days – Quarantine. Wear a mask around others for an additional 5 days.
- If you cannot quarantine, you must wear a mask for 10 days
- Test on day 5, if possible
- If you develop symptoms, get tested and stay home
- MDH resources (Jan 14, 2022): If You Are Sick or Test Positive: COVID-19
- CDC resources (Jan 9, 2022): COVID-19 Quarantine and Isolation | CDC
As a reminder, if you are coming to campus, please remember that face coverings are REQUIRED AT ALL TIMES while indoors and must be worn properly. We also encourage the use of higher efficiency face coverings, such as KN95 mask, or adding a two-layered mask underneath a cloth mask for greater protection for you and others. Please continue to social distance when possible and practice good hygiene by washing your hands often for at least 20 seconds.
Finally, we strongly urge all students to GET VACCINATED to reach the highest level of protection against contracting COVID-19, becoming severely ill, and infecting others. Visit the MDH vaccination web page for more information.
You can learn about and stay updated on our health and safety measures by visiting our COVID-19 Information web page. You can also see the campus case counts by students and employees by viewing the COVID-19 Case Reporting Dashboard.
Thank you for your continued vigilance as we work together to protect the health and safety of our Century College community.
Take care and stay safe!
Century College
TO: All Students
RE: Welcome Spring 2022 Start and Health & Safety Measures
Century College New and Returning Students -
The Century College administration, faculty, and staff welcomes you to the Spring 2022 semester. As we enter Spring semester, our top priorities are to deliver exceptional learning and service, maintain a vibrant on-campus experience, and ensure a safe and healthy learning environment.
Students can expect to start the Spring 2022 semester on Monday, January 10 with no changes to how your classes will be delivered—face-to-face, online, and hybrid formats. We are prepared to help you start strong by providing student support services both in-person and virtually. You can expect our student activities and athletic programs to continue as planned with heightened attention on safety protocols and mitigation measures. We encourage you to start strong and to complete your semester courses with the highest levels of success.
We know our pandemic challenges continue and that all of us are still navigating high COVID-19 infection rates across the nation and in the communities where we live. Most of us know someone who is or has been impacted by COVID-19. To ensure that our college community continues to provide a safe and healthy learning environment for all, regardless of your vaccination status, Century requires all students, employees, and visitors to our campus to follow the safety protocols put in place to keep everyone as safe as possible and free from exposure to COVID-19:
Face coverings are REQUIRED AT ALL TIMES while indoors on campus for ALL vaccinated and unvaccinated students, employees, and visitors, and must be worn properly as shown in the graphic below. This requirement does NOT apply to outdoor campus spaces, including the bridge and parking lots. However, even if outside, maintain social distance and avoid close contact while speaking in these environments, as well.
Additionally, you can further help ensure the continuity of learning and operations by wearing higher efficiency face coverings, such as KN95 masks displayed below, or add a two-layered mask underneath a cloth mask. These face covering options add greater protection for you and others that you come in close contact with in classrooms and other learning environments for more than 15 minutes. All classes run more than 15 minutes in face-to-face and in hybrid formats, so we encourage you to help us keep our campus community safe.
Stay home if you are sick. If you have any COVID-19 symptoms, exposure, or if you test positive, contact your instructor(s) immediately and notify Faculty are ready to work with our students, so please communicate your challenges and do not come on campus with any symptoms that could potentially impact the health and safety of others. Additionally, get tested right away. Visit COVID-19 Testing.
Social distance when possible. We encourage all students, employees, and visitors that come to campus to keep some level of physical and social distance.
Practice good hygiene. Wash your hands often with soap and water. Wash for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use hand sanitizer that is at least 60% alcohol.
GET VACCINATED! The best approach to controlling the spread of the virus. All students are strongly encouraged to get vaccinated to reach the highest level of protection against contracting COVID-19, becoming severely ill, and infecting others. Visit the MDH vaccination web page for more information. Century College will support vaccination opportunities by offering vaccination on-site clinics during the Spring semester for students and the public. Look for more information coming soon.
As we continue to navigate our evolving environments at school, home, and work, we are all in this together. The College will continue to closely monitor and follow guidance provided by the Center for Disease Control (CDC), Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), and the Minnesota State College and University system. You can learn about and stay updated on our health and safety measures by visiting our COVID-19 Information web page.
Thank you for your vigilance as we work together to protect the health and safety of our Century College community.
All the best for a successful spring semester!
Stay safe and be well,
Century College
Century College students -
As we settle into the start of fall semester, we hope that your first few weeks of classes have been a positive experience.
In order to protect the health and safety of our entire campus community, we would like to remind you that wearing a face covering when inside Century College buildings, facilities, and enclosed places such as classrooms, offices, hallways, and service counters for ALL vaccinated and unvaccinated employees, students, and visitors is REQUIRED AT ALL TIMES.
In addition, it is important to wear a face covering properly. See graphic below for an illustration of how to properly wear your face covering.
If you are not complying with these protocols while on campus, College personnel will ask to see your ID, will take your information, and report repeated non-compliance to the Student Conduct office. All students found to be non-compliant will receive a warning and repeated non-compliance could result in further discipline, including but not limited to removal from campus and suspension.
For more information regarding COVID-19 campus safety protocols, visit the COVID-19 Information webpage.
We look forward to a safe and healthy fall!
Century College
Century College students,
An email communication was sent yesterday, Monday, August 2, from Minnesota State Chancellor Devinder Malhotra regarding mask/face covering requirements for the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system. As Chancellor Malhotra indicated in his communication, one of our top priorities within the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities System, including Century College, is the health and safety of our students and employees.
Therefore, due to the recent increase in COVID-19 cases due to the Delta variant, face coverings are REQUIRED for indoor Century College campus spaces for ALL, regardless of vaccination status. This requirement does NOT apply to outdoor campus spaces, including the bridge and parking lots.
In addition, we are encouraging all students, employees, and visitors that come to campus to continue to keep some level of physical and social distance, to continue to maintain strong pandemic hygiene practices, and to stay home if you are not feeling well or display COVID-19 symptoms.
Get Vaccinated! The best approach to ending the pandemic and protecting the health and safety of yourself and others is to get vaccinated. All students are strongly encouraged to get vaccinated to reach the highest level of protection against contracting COVID-19, becoming severely ill, and infecting others. Visit the MDH vaccination web page for more information. Century College will support vaccination opportunities by offering vaccination on-site clinics during the first week of classes and beyond for students and the public. Look for more information coming soon.
As we continue to navigate this pandemic, we are closely monitoring and following the guidance provided by the Centers for Disease Control, Minnesota Department of Health, and Minnesota State. You can learn about and stay updated on our health and safety measures by visiting our COVID-19 Information web page.
Thank you for your vigilance as we work together to protect the health and safety of our Century College community.
Stay well,
Century College
Last Friday, May 14, Governor Walz’s Emergency Order 21-23 lifted the prior restrictions on face coverings. Chancellor Malhotra issued guidance for Minnesota State Colleges and Universities last Friday, May 14 aligned to this emergency executive order. Effective immediately, Monday, May 17, the on-campus (indoor and outdoor) face covering requirement for Century College has been lifted; however, all individuals who have NOT been vaccinated are strongly encouraged to get vaccinated or to continue wearing a face covering in indoor spaces until they are fully vaccinated. When making the decision to continue to wear a face covering or not, students and employees should consider the health and safety of yourself and others within our work and learning environments.
This change is an encouraging step in the right direction; however, the best way to stop exposure and spread of the virus is for our community to become fully vaccinated. All students and employees are encouraged to get vaccinated to reach the highest level of protection against contracting COVID 19, against becoming severely ill, and against infecting others. Please visit the Minnesota Department of Health website for vaccination information.
Century College continues to require that anyone feeling sick or experiencing COVID 19 symptoms stay at home. Students and employees should continue to make choices regarding their own safety, including the use of face coverings, social distancing indoors, and avoiding large crowds.
We anticipate guidance in the coming weeks from the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) specific to higher education institutions. Once received, we will communicate updates to our College community.
Century, as the state of Minnesota and our College shifts into post pandemic, let us continue to keep safety as a top priority and remain vigilant in doing our best to minimize spread of the COVID-19.
Stay well and safe,
Century College
Sent: February 22, 2021
To: All Students
Subject: Spring Break
Century College students –
As we approach our Spring Break and the halfway point of the semester, we wanted to express our appreciation for your commitment to your education and your adaptability during this challenging time.
As you may be aware, COVID-19 positive cases, hospitalizations, and deaths in Minnesota have been in a decline over the past few weeks, but it is extremely important that we continue to be diligent and vigilant to ensure the ongoing health and safety of our community. Regarding our Spring Break, March 8-12, Century College continues to follow the guidance of the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) and recommends not traveling during spring break or other times, as well as avoiding large crowds. All guidance from the Minnesota Department of Health for institutions of higher education can be found here. All guidance and recommendations from the CDC on travel can be found here.
If you must travel, the health agencies recommend COVID testing and taking a “lay low approach” after return. At this time, there is no guidance from the Minnesota Department of Health that mandates a 14-day quarantine for students or Century College employees who travel during spring break. However, those who travel should follow safety protocols and exercise extreme caution, which could include a 14-day quarantine upon return in the case of potential exposure.
We will keep you posted should anything change before our spring break scheduled for March 8-12.
Thank you for continued diligence and commitment for the well-being of yourself, your classmates, and College community.
Take care and stay well,
Century College
Sent: Wednesday, January 6, 2021
To: All Students
Subject: Welcome to Spring 2021 Century Students
Century College students,
On Monday, we begin Spring Semester at Century College. We are excited for the opportunity to continue to serve and support our returning students and to welcome our new students to our Century College community.
As we begin the semester, we would like to share some important information to ensure your educational success in a safe and healthy environment.
On-Campus Health & Safety Measures
If you are coming to campus, please follow the required health and safety measures:
• Stay home if you are sick.
• Complete the COVID-19 self-assessment tool before you arrive on campus.
• Use mandatory face coverings at all times and practice social distancing.
Learn more about our health and safety measures and campus preparedness plan, as well as stay current on COVID-19 related changes throughout the semester, by visiting Century’s COVID-19 Information web page.
In addition, you can help fight the spread of COVID-19 on campus by downloading the COVIDaware MN app on your mobile device. This app will notify you of potential COVID-19 exposures. Learn more about COVIDaware MN online, and download it from the Google Play or Apple App Store.
Student Success and Resources to Support You
Your success is extremely important to us, and we are here to help and support you on each step of your educational journey. Start off your spring classes strong by showing up on the first day in your online, hybrid, and/or on-campus classes, having your textbooks or course materials ready, and seeking support where needed.
There are a wide variety of campus resources and student support services available to you on-campus and virtually, including tutoring, mental health and counseling support, academic advising, technology support, financial aid and scholarships, and much more. View a complete listing of our services and on-campus and virtual hours.
If you are taking online and/or hybrid classes, Century offers many online learning resources and support services to help you succeed in this learning environment, including virtual D2L webinars and help sessions. Visit our Online Learning web page for more information.
Finally, staying connected with your peers, instructors, and Century College staff can have a significant impact on your success as a student. We urge you to regularly check your student email, read the Wood Duck weekly emails for virtual and on-campus events and activities, and watch for more information to come soon about a new Century College mobile app that will allow you to connect with the college and your peers.
We wish you the best on your upcoming spring semester. It’s a great day to be a Century College Wood Duck!
Sent: Thursday, December 17, 2020
To: All Students
Subject: Century Student: Fall 2020 End-of-Semester Message and Spring Semester 2021 Information
Century College students,
On behalf of all of us at Century College, we congratulate you on your successful completion of Fall Semester. Together, as a College community, we accepted the challenge of facing a semester unlike any we have experienced before. Through all of the uncertainty and changes, we all came together to persevere.
To our students graduating this fall, we wish you all the best of luck as you take what you have learned at Century College and bring it out into the world. We look forward to hearing about your many accomplishments, and we want you to know that you always have a home at Century College.
To our students returning, we look forward to continuing to serve and support you, as you work to reach your academic goals during the Spring Semester. As we all go into our winter break, we would like to share some reminders to help you plan a successful start to the Spring Semester:
• It is important that you register for your Spring Semester classes (if you have not done so already) to ensure you get the classes you need. Go to the Student Registration web page to register today!
• Century College building hours will change for winter break. Visit our College Hours web page for updates.
• Stay current on our COVID-19 campus preparedness plans for Spring Semester. New information will be posted to our COVID-19 Information web page.
Although your holiday season may look different than in years past, we urge you to continue to stay safe. Similar to the holiday break in November, continue to take precautions to protect yourself, your loved ones, and each other (see November 16, 2020 archived student communication on action reminders).
Finally, we want to share how proud we are at Century College of your unwavering commitment and dedication to your education this Fall Semester. Come back in January with a renewed energy and readiness to continue to learn, discover, and grow with your Century faculty, staff, and fellow peers.
Take care and stay well,
Century College
Sent: Monday, November 16, 2020
To: All Students
Subject: Important Health and Safety Reminders for the Holidays
Century College students –
As we enter the home stretch of fall semester, we would like to express our appreciation for your commitment to your education and your adaptability during this challenging time.
As you may be aware, Minnesota is experiencing record-breaking COVID-19 positive cases, hospitalizations, and deaths. Minnesota Governor Walz issued new restrictions last week to reduce community spread by limiting social gatherings and closing bars and restaurants early. We ask that you take added precautions going forward, especially in regard to upcoming holiday breaks, where an increase in the gatherings of families and friends, parties, and travel may put people at higher risk for COVID-19.
We encourage you to take the following actions to protect yourself, your loved ones, and each other:
Get tested.
Many with COVID-19 show no symptoms and have no way of knowing they are positive. We urge you to get tested prior to the Thanksgiving holiday or other opportunities to gather. Minnesota Governor Tim Walz announced a significant expansion in COVID-19 testing access. All testing will be free and available to anyone who wants to be tested whether they have symptoms or not, and it will not require insurance. You can find testing options at the Minnesota Department of Health website, including nasal swab community testing events, saliva community testing sites, home tests, and a map of testing locations throughout the state.
Stay at home.
Even though it is a big sacrifice, anytime you gather with people you do not live with, the risk of infection increases for everyone. The safest option right now to protect family, friends, and communities is for everyone to stay home. Plan a dinner with the people who you live with or have a virtual holiday celebration with your family and friends. Avoid indoor gatherings such as bars or parties with friends unless you know that social distancing and capacity limits will be followed. Crowds and drinking have been associated with outbreaks of COVID-19.
If you do have a gathering, take precautions that will slow transmissions, including limiting attendance from those who have COVID-19 symptoms (cough, fever, shortness of breath, etc.) or have been exposed to COVID-19 in the past 14 days, asking all attendees to wear face coverings, arranging furniture to ensure at least 6 feet of social distancing, and keeping the gathering to no more than 10 people from 3 households, per the Governor’s order.
If you are considering traveling during break, be aware of the spread of COVID-19 at your destination, whether you or someone you are traveling with or visiting is at a higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19, and how easy it will be to maintain social distance while traveling. Also, as stated above, get tested prior to traveling to ensure that you do not spread it when you travel or spread to your loved ones when you visit.
Remain vigilant about health & safety measures.
As always, we urge you to stay vigilant about health and safety measures, including washing hands, wearing a face covering, and remaining social distant from others both on and off campus.
We understand that this has been difficult on all of us, but if we all work together to ensure the health and safety of ourselves and each other, we will come through this and have a new normal soon.
Take care and stay well,
Century College
Friday, September 25, 2020
To: All Students
Subj: Century Students: Important Information and Updates for Fall 2020
Century College students,
We hope your fall semester is going well, your classes are progressing, and that you are receiving the support that you need as we approach mid-term. Now that fall semester is in full swing, this email provides important information and updates for all Century students:
Updated College Support Services Hours and Delivery Options
Century continues to provide support services for our students with flexible options for students taking on-campus classes and those studying online. Please find updated College service hours and delivery options on our College Hours and Access web page, as well as listed on the individual service area web pages. Students will have options for on-campus and/or virtual services throughout the semester.
One important change is, starting Monday, September 28, the West Computer Center will be closed for the remainder of the semester. Students can use the East Computer Center or the Writing Center on West Campus for computer access. The East Computer Center will remain open at the hours indicated.
Resources and Support for Online Learning
As many more students are taking classes online, we want to highlight all the support that is available to our students studying in this format. Century provides a one-stop shop on online learning for students that provides explanations of different types of online learning, links to all student support services, tips and exercises to prepare for online learning, and frequently asked questions. These resources also include online peer tutoring in specific Century classes, general academic tutoring available 24/7 through, and drop-in academic advising zoom appointments for quick questions.
IT help for students is available during weekdays at the Century College Student Helpdesk (651-779-3295, and evenings and weekends from the Minnesota State System Information Technology Services (877-466-6728, Service Desk Site).
Century is offering free workshops open to all students: How to Be Successful in Your Online Courses
- Tuesday, October 6, 2020 5:00-6:00pm:
- Thursday, November 5, 2020 11:00am-12:00pm:
All of our College support services personnel are here to assist you, so please do not hesitate to reach out via phone or email, to schedule phone or Zoom meetings, and/or to come on campus during open service hours to connect with staff in person.
Take care, and stay safe!
Century College
To: All Students
Subj: Important Reminders Regarding On-Campus Health and Safety Protocols
Century College students,
As we settle into the start of fall semester, we hope that your first few weeks of classes have been a positive experience. It has been great to see students back on campus—walking the hallways, using campus resources, and learning in the classrooms. We are truly grateful for your adherence to our new on-campus health and safety protocols. Your commitment to the safety and well-being of our campus community has been wonderful to see.
With that said, as the semester has progressed, we are noticing increasing instances of non-compliance with the required protocols of wearing face coverings at ALL times and social distancing of 6 feet while on campus. We must reiterate the seriousness of this health crisis, and we MUST do even better to protect one another, ourselves, and our campus community.
ALL students, employees, and visitors on campus MUST adhere to the following:
- The COVID-19 health self-assessment tool must be completed each day you come to campus. The tool can be accessed from the Century College home page.
- Face coverings are required on campus AT ALL TIMES. This includes when inside campus buildings, classrooms, hallways, walking the bridge, and outside when you cannot maintain 6 feet of distance from others. Also, face coverings must be worn properly—completely covering your mouth and nose.
- Social distancing is a key component to stopping the spread of COVID-19. You must maintain at least 6 feet of distance from others outside of your household at all times.
- Use proper hand hygiene by washing your hands regularly and utilizing the hand sanitizer stations located throughout campus.
- Please do not bring family and friends with you to campus unless absolutely necessary. And when necessary to be on campus, family and friends must follow the same safety protocols.
Compliance with these protocols is required when on campus. If you are not complying, College personnel will ask you to show your ID, will take your information, and report repeated non-compliance to the Student Conduct office. All students found to be non-compliant will receive a warning and repeated non-compliance could result in further discipline, including but not limited to removal from campus and suspension.
We understand that these protocols are new, but in order to protect the health and safety of our entire campus community, it is important that we are doing our part to protect each other, ourselves, and the entire Century College community. Our ability to continue to offer on-campus classes and services depends on your and everyone’s adherence with these protocols. We are moving in the right direction, and with your continued support and diligence, we will get through this together. We look forward to a safe and healthy fall semester.
Century College
To: All Century students
Subj: Welcome Fall 2020 Century Students
Century College students,
On Monday, we will start Fall Semester 2020, and a new academic year, as thousands of new and returning Century College students begin their classes online, on-campus, or through a combination of both. We would like to welcome our new Century College students and welcome back our returning students and express our gratitude to you for choosing to be a part of our Century College community.
Months have been spent preparing for the start of this Fall Semester, and we are excited to say, we are ready to deliver you an extraordinary education. This Fall semester will be different from others in many ways, but you will also find that much is the same. You will continue to find instructors who are committed to your success, staff who are dedicated to providing exceptional support services, and a warm, welcoming, and vibrant campus community where you will make new friendships and expand your horizons.
As we begin the Fall Semester, if you are coming to campus, please be aware of and follow the health and safety measures required while on campus. You can learn about those health and safety measures by visiting our Return to Campus: Fall 2020 web page, which includes Century’s Return to Campus Plan. If you are taking classes online and/or hybrid classes, take advantage of the variety of online learning resources and support services available to help you succeed in this learning environment. Also, enjoy the Welcome Week on-campus and virtual activities hosted by Student Life for all students!
As you navigate the start of your Fall semester classes, be sure to stay connected, ask questions, and get the support you need.
We are ready, Century College. It’s going to be a great year!
Century College
To: All Century students
Subj: Important Reminders Regarding On-Campus Health & Safety Measures
Dear Student,
We hope this letter finds you well. We are excited to begin a new academic year!
Century College has worked hard to create an environment that will allow students to learn this fall and connect with each other. We are committed to supporting the health, safety, and well-being of all of our students, employees, and community. In anticipation of any questions that students may have before arriving on campus, we wanted to provide you with some information around expectations of students this fall.
These expectations will help reduce the amount of transmission of COVID-19 on campus, including yourself, others around you, and those who are at high risk and vulnerable to COVID-19. These behaviors will be important for the success and safety of all campus members during the academic year.
Expectations for Behavior at Century College
Before you get to campus
- It is extremely important to pay attention to your health before coming to campus. If you are experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms, such as coughing, sore throat, fever, shortness of breath, or headache, you should stay at home.
- Be sure to complete and pass the COVID-19 health assessment. This is REQUIRED DAILY before coming to campus.
While you are on campus
- Please keep your social distance. Social distancing means keeping 6 feet apart from others and keeping your mask on even when there is a close physical distance. The College has enacted many social distancing protocols on campus, but it is all of our responsibility to be aware of our surroundings and maintain our social distance.
- Wearing a face covering when inside Century College buildings, facilities, and enclosed places such as classrooms, offices, hallways, and service counters is REQUIRED. In addition, it is important to wear a face covering properly. See graphic below for an illustration of how to properly wear your face covering.
Answer the call
- If there is an instance of COVID-19 on-campus, you may receive a call from the Minnesota Department of Health and/or designated campus staff. If the health department or designated campus staff calls you, answer, or if you miss the call, call them back. It could be a case investigator or a contact tracer with important questions and information to help slow the spread of COVID-19 in our communities and on our campus.
- Discussions with health department staff and/or designated campus staff are confidential. This means that your personal and medical information will be kept private and only shared with those who may need to know, like your health care provider.
- Your name will not be shared with those you came in contact with, unless you have given permission.
- Click here to see how Contact Tracing Slows the Spread of COVID-19.
Follow isolation and quarantine recommendations
If you become sick with COVID-19 you will need to isolate and stay away from others.
- Click here to see what to do if you have COVID-19.
If you were in contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19, you may need to quarantine.
- Click here to see what to do if you have had close contact with a person with COVID-19.
- If you begin to experience COVID-19 symptoms while on campus, if possible, please leave campus immediately and notify your instructor. If you are unable to leave campus immediately due to transportation needs, Century College will have care rooms available for temporary isolation.
- Century’s Return to Campus Plan includes information on self-assessment of symptoms, notification, and isolation and quarantine measures, as well as a section on “What to do” related to COVID-19 symptoms, exposure, confirmed cases, and return to school/work.
Wash your hands
- Wash your hands often, with soap and water. Wash for at least 20 seconds.
- Always wash your hands after being in a public place.
- Always wash your hands after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
- If soap and water are not available, use hand sanitizer that is at least 60% alcohol.
- Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze. Cough or sneeze into your elbow or a tissue, throw used tissues in the trash, then wash your hands.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects or surfaces such as phones, computers, remote controls, keys and doorknobs.
- Clean reusable/cloth face coverings after each use. Face coverings can be washed by hand or with laundry.
- Do not share your phones.
Community Agreement
In addition, speak up in a kind and compassionate way and remind your peers when you observe anyone not following these very important safety expectations. It really is up to all of us as a community to make this a successful fall!
We appreciate your support and cooperation as we transition into our new normal on campus this Fall. We are all in this together. For detailed information on Century College’s Return to Campus Plan, please visit the Century College Return to Campus web page.
Stay well and be well,
Century College
To: All Century students
Subj: Final Century Fall 2020 Plan
Dear Student,
Century College is excited to welcome all continuing and new students this Fall Semester 2020 starting Monday, August 24! Century continues its commitment to the health, safety, and well-being of all of our students, employees, and community and is taking an even more comprehensive and planned approach within this pandemic environment. Several things about the fall semester 2020 have been decided.
We will begin fall semester classes Monday, August 24 with both in-person and online components to instruction. Century has created a comprehensive Return to Campus Plan for Fall Semester 2020. To view the complete plan, CLICK HERE. The College will require employees, students, and the entire campus community to participate and adhere to all guidance, as it is more important than ever. We ask all employees and students to read the plan and refer to it when guidance is needed, understand your role in every aspect of the plan, and contact us if you have any questions. The College will provide regular updated information about Century’s response to COVID-19 at
The fall semester 2020 will look different from any previous semester at Century. The driving factor behind our decisions will continue to be the health, safety and well-being of students, faculty, and staff. For classes and teaching, this includes a mix of on campus face-to-face classes, fully online, and blended/hybrid. Physical distancing and the wearing of face coverings on campus will be essential components of this effort. We also anticipate that large gatherings will be strictly limited and regulated. We can and will do this in a responsible manner that works to mitigate risk to the entire college community while preserving the high quality of a Century education, our mission, our quality instruction combined with opportunities for social interactions that make Century unique and special.
There are several other important components to Century’s on-campus operations for fall 2020, as follows:
Face coverings are required effective July 27, 2020, for all employees, students, and visitors (contractors and vendors) when on campus, including but not limited to classrooms, hallways, service counters, and all common and shared spaces. College personnel may ask anyone who is not following this requirement to leave the college premises and students will be denied access to classrooms and services counters if a face covering is not worn.
All Century employees and students will receive ONE FREE reusable and washable face covering when you come to campus. Between July 27 – August 28, a student welcome and safety kit, inclusive of the face covering, will be available for student pick at open College main entrances on both East and West campuses. Face coverings can be purchased at the Bookstore (located on the lower level of West Campus Room 1240) for a minimal charge. Students, employees, and visitors are welcome to supply and wear your own face coverings. Employees can obtain masks from academic departments and human resources.
Starting Monday, August 10, EVERYONE, including employees, students, visitors (contractors and vendors) who plan to enter any facility as part of the Century College campus, must complete a DAILY self-assessment before they arrive each day. The self-assessment tool is available and can be accessed on our Century College website, and from any device capable of interacting with a web page, including most handheld devices. You will be guided through a series of questions to identify COVID-19 related health risks. Individuals who pass the self-assessment will receive an email that reflects approval—anyone may be asked to show this email upon entering campus, classrooms or the workplace. The application will inform individuals who do not pass the self-assessment that they should not come to campus and will display campus-specific contacts and guidance on steps to take to protect themselves and others.
Century College continues to be an open and welcome space for students to attend classes, meet with staff and faculty for support and services, and use campus resources, library, computer and academic labs, and study areas. Some restrictions will apply in order to adhere to physical distancing guidelines. Fall campus building hours are included in the plan and posted on Century’s website. More details on a variety of topics will follow in the upcoming weeks regarding online course resources, on-campus services, health and well-being, financial aid, student employment, and any changes in procedures where needed.
I want to thank all of you — our faculty, staff, and students — for your hard work, commitment, and dedication to higher education. These are unprecedented and difficult times in so many ways, and for many in our community. Together, we will navigate the new challenges, and together we will find a path forward. Whether your fall experience is on campus, online, or a combination of both, Century is ready and looks forward to delivering an exceptional educational experience. We ensure that students who desire to achieve can achieve their deserved educational goals at Century starting this fall and beyond. Students who have any questions related to COVID-19 and/or reporting COVID-19 confirmed cases, please direct these via email to
Continue to practice safety to stay well.
Angelia Millender
Century College
Contact Century College
Please see office hours on the Hours and Access page.
Public Safety
East Campus, E1411