Behavioral Intervention & Threat Assessment


The Behavioral Intervention and Threat Assessment Team is a cross-collaborative team responsible for investigating reported incidents of students exhibiting persistent or significant behavioral disturbances to provide support and assist faculty/staff. It is not meant to take the place of classroom management techniques and does not replace the student code of conduct process.


The Behavioral Intervention and Threat Assessment Team uses a protocol to ensure that critical student behavior or mental health issues or incidents are addressed appropriately. Once an initial report of problematic, concerning, and/or disruptive behavior is received:

  • An investigation begins to gather important and pertinent information.
  • Threat and risk assessments are performed to determine safety for the person of concern and the campus community.
  • Mechanisms are determined for support, intervention, notification, and response.
  • Follow-up is coordinated.

The team convenes immediately for reports that require timely intervention to assess the situation and develop an appropriate response. The team evaluates non-emergency reports during regular weekly meetings.

When to Submit a Report:

Is someone you know:

  • Making disturbing comments in conversations, emails, letters, social media posts, or papers?
  • Sad, anxious, or experiencing dramatic mood shifts?
  • Acting paranoid or suspicious?
  • Demonstrating disruptive or disturbing behavior?
  • Showing dramatic changes in appearance, behavior, or weight?
  • Having problems at home, with classes, or at work?
  • Abusing alcohol or drugs?
  • Isolating themselves socially?
  • Frequently angry or easily frustrated?
  • Experiencing a decline in academic or work performance?

These behaviors, especially when more than one is present, may be signs that the person is in distress. Your report to Century’s Behavioral Intervention and Threat Assessment Team can make a difference.

Reporting a Concern

Use this report if you observe incidents of concerning, unusual, dangerous, or threatening behaviors. If you believe the incident or your concern is an emergency, please call 911. For non-emergency issues, please call Campus Public Safety at (651) 747-4000.

Reporting a Concern

Team Membership

Team members have training and experience in threat and risk assessment, utilizing the latest industry standards and evidence-based assessment tools.

Katie Svoboda, Dean of Students (Chair)

  • Jason Philipp, Director of Public Safety
  • Nathan Mens, Lead Campus Security & Clery Compliance Officer
  • Janet Wacker, Counselor
  • Andrea Clepper, Director of Access Services
  • Jay Williams, Multicultural Student Services Coordinator
  • Christine Morrison, Administrative Assistant Senior to Dean of Students