Statistics show that LGBTQIA+ & queer and transgender people of color (QTPOC) are vulnerable to experiencing homelessness, hunger, and violence at much higher rates than their white, cisgender, straight peers. Century College is committed to ensuring college is accessible and financially attainable to all LGBTQIA+ students. To help support the financial need of LGBTQIA+ identified students, the LGBTQ Center has developed awards and scholarships to recognize our students.

LGBTQ Center Scholarship

The Century College Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ) Center Scholarship awards $500 annually (as funds are available) to a current Century College student of any year, major, or program. The scholarship is based upon academic achievement (2.5 GPA minimum), financial need, and a commitment to issue of social justice—particularly in the areas of gender expression, gender identity, and sexual orientation.

The purpose is to encourage and promote student leadership, activism, and a commitment to civic engagement—particularly around gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation at Century College.

The LGBTQ Center is continually working to develop more ways to financially support our student population. If you, or someone you know would like to support the LGBTQ Center Scholarship or develop a brand new scholarship, contact the Century College Foundation.