Title IX & Sexual Misconduct

If you are experiencing a life-threatening emergency, contact 911 (or 9-911 from a campus phone).

Specify which campus you are on to help direct emergency responders.

Sexual violence is an intolerable intrusion into the most personal and private rights of an individual, and it is prohibited at Century College. We are committed to eliminating sexual violence in all forms and will take appropriate remedial action against any individual found responsible for acts in violation of our policy. The Department of Education 2020 changes to Title IX regulations do not change this commitment.

Century College is committed to providing a learning environment free from harassment and discrimination. Should you need assistance, support or information regarding Title IX at Century College, you can contact a member of our Title IX Team.

Title IX & Sexual Misconduct

Sexual assault can happen to you regardless of your gender, race, age, class, or sexual orientation. No one is entitled to another person’s body, even if the person is under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Types of sexual assault include:

  • Rape or forced sexual intercourse
  • Date rape
  • Marital rape
  • Attempted rape
  • Forced kissing
  • Groping
  • Harassment
  • Molestation
  • Incest
  • Child sexual abuse
  • Sexual exploitation
  • Sexual violence
  • Unwanted sexual contact or exposure
  • Abusing power for sexual acts

Title IX Team

Katie Svoboda
Dean of Students, Title IX Coordinator
W1487, 651-779-3315

Rosa Rodriguez
Diversity Officer/Title IX Employee Designee
E2512, 651-779-5786

If no one is available, please contact Public Safety at 651-747-4000

Reporting Sexual Misconduct

Reports may be made by:

  • An individual who has experienced sexual misconduct;
  • Anyone who receives a report from someone who experienced sexual misconduct and/or
  • Anyone who witnesses or otherwise has information that sexual misconduct may have occurred.

Reports can be submitted anonymously.

We recognize that deciding to report sexual misconduct and choosing how to proceed are difficult decisions. We understand that your feelings about whether to report an incident and how to proceed may change over time. We support all survivors of sexual misconduct during this decision-making process. You may be uncertain at first about how to proceed. You may wish to speak with a confidential resource in the Advising, Counseling, and Career Center before deciding how to proceed. Although you can report sexual misconduct at any time, we encourage individuals to report incidents of sexual misconduct immediately. When making a report, you need not know what particular course of action to pursue or how to label what happened. For more information, please consult our Victims’ Bill of Rights.

If you would like someone to support you during the complaint process or to explain this process, please contact the Title IX Coordinator or a personal counselor in the Advising, Counseling and Career Center.

Resources for Response

Other Areas Protected by Title IX

More Information