Off-Campus Trip Notification Form

All off-campus trips involving the transport of students must be documented with Century College. Please complete the following form. All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

All fields marked with asterisk (*) are required.

required text field
required text field
required e-mail address field
required text field
required checkbox field
Has the faculty/staff/student leader completed the Clery Act-required Campus Security Authority (CSA) training this year?*
If no, please contact Jason Philipp at and Nathan Mens at This training must be completed prior to your trip.
required checkbox field
Is this an annual/repeated trip?*
required textarea field
required textarea field
City, state, country
required textarea field
Please list the names and contact numbers for each participant, as well as other pertinent information that you want to have on file.
required date field
required date field
text field
text field
date/time field
Hotel check in date & time
date/time field
Hotel check out date & time
textarea field
textarea field