What is Early Middle College?

An Early Middle College Program (EMC) allows high school students to earn dual high school and college credits with well-defined pathways towards earning a postsecondary degree or credential in addition to a high school diploma.

Early Middle College Programs are partnerships between State-Approved Alternative Programs (SAAP) and eligible postsecondary institutions designed to serve and support students in the academic middle - especially low-income, English Language Learners, first generation college students, and/or students of color.

Students who participate in this program qualify to take technical courses and explore technical programs, take general education courses, or take developmental education courses as needed.

What high school ALC programs partner with Century College?

White Bear Lake School District Washington County School District 916 Northeast Metro School District
  • White Bear Lake Area High School
  • East Ridge High School
  • Park High School
  • Woodbury High School
  • Columbia Heights High School
  • North High School (St. Paul)
  • Spring Lake Park High School
  • Tartan High School

What are the benefits of participating in the Early Middle College Program?

  • Students earn free college credit
  • Customized admissions and orientation process for EMC students
  • Integrated support from both high school and college staff throughout a student’s participation in the program
  • 1:1 sessions with EMC Coach each semester to ensure student success and provide academic/personal interventions if needed
  • Slow and supported introduction and transition to college-level courses and a collegiate environment
  • Assigned Century College Academic Advisors and Counselors to assist with future career and degree planning
  • Full access to all support services and student life activities offered at the college
  • Opportunities to complete occupational credentials simultaneously as high school degree requirements
  • Continual support from high school staff to understand college resources and promote growth and practice of independence and self-advocacy
  • Access to utilize services offered by the Access & Disability Services Center

How do I know if I qualify for the program?

There are no academic requirements to be eligible to enroll in the program. Students interested in the EMC program at Century College should meet with their high school Counselor to review the program to determine if it’s a good fit. Counselors will work with students to complete required application materials and submit them to the Early Middle College program at the college.

Students are allowed to begin the program in Fall or Spring Semester (the program does not run during Summer Semester).

How do I apply?

Please contact your high school Counselor to indicate you are interested in the EMC program. Your Counselor will review program details and the admissions process.