College level credits and courses completed through military training or at other colleges/universities or institutions are evaluated for transfer to Century based on official transcripts received at Century from institutions you previously attended. Your uAchieve Degree Audit provides information about your chosen degree or program of study at Century and indicates how your coursework accepted in transfer meets your particular degree requirements.

Not every course that transfers will help a student graduate. One question transfer students should consider is, “Will your credits fulfill requirements for your chosen degree or program of study?” If students change their career goals or program of study, they might not be able to complete all degree requirements within the usual number of graduation credits.

Transfer of credit and courses will be evaluated based on Century policies and procedures outlined in Century’s catalog, along with Minnesota State system transfer policies and procedures and according to Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

For specific information about how courses transfer in to and out from Century, refer to Transferology.

Students may be asked to provide a course outline or syllabus, course description or reading list to determine course comparability. Students are responsible for collecting and providing necessary supporting course information to Century, which enables satisfactory consideration of transfer credit and courses.

Transfer Course Evaluation Procedure

College level credit and courses will be reviewed and considered for transfer under the following criteria:

Institution Accreditation

  • Regionally Accredited: Degree-granting public, private, nonprofit and for-profit, two- and four-year institutions in the United States conferred by the Higher Learning Commission, (a Commission of North Central Association of Colleges and Schools) and/or parallel accrediting agencies in other regions of the United States.
  • Non-Regionally Accredited: Specialized institutions, including distance learning providers and freestanding professional schools recognized by the Council of Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) and the U.S. Department of Education (USDE). Coursework will be considered on a course-by-course basis through a petition process and will be judged to be comparable or equivalent to courses offered at Century.

General Education Courses

Minnesota State colleges and universities, University of Minnesota or other institutions outside the Minnesota State system that fulfills the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC) will be accepted at Century based on the completion of the MnTC at the originating college or university.

University of Minnesota or other institutions outside the Minnesota State system will transfer as:

  • Equivalent to a Century general education course and MnTC Goal Area
  • Not equivalent to a specific Century course, but fulfill a MnTC Goal Area

Courses that are not general education or MnTC will be considered for transfer as:

  • Equivalent to a specific course in a career program (within five years of course completion, if in a technical program)
  • Elective credit that does not apply toward general education or career course requirements (including technical courses over five years old)


Courses approved for transfer must be comparable in nature, content, and level and match at least 75% of the content and goals of the course syllabus for which the student is seeking equivalent credit.

Residency Requirement

To be eligible for a degree from Century, students must earn a minimum of 20 college-level credits at Century College. The degree residency requirement will be reduced to 12 college-level credits for students transferring at least 8 college-level credits from another Minnesota State institution and/or the University of Minnesota. At least one third of the credits for a diploma or certificate must be earned at Century. To receive a MnTC notation on the Century College transcript students must have attended one semester (completed at least one college-level course) at Century College.

Transfer GPA and Grades

All college level courses in which a student has received a grade of A, B, C, D or P/S will be considered for transfer. Grades of A through D transfer for the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC). Completion of the 40 credit MnTC requires a cumulative 2.0 GPA. While D grades transfer, some specialized/ occupational/technical programs require courses to have a grade of C or higher to fulfill requirements. No F grade courses will be accepted. Transfer course grades will not be used in computing a student’s GPA at Century except for some special programs that require the calculation of GPA for application/admission to the program, such as Nursing and Radiologic Technology. Only earned transfer credits (not grade point credits or grade points) will be recorded on the official Century College transcript.

Appealing Course Decisions

Students have the right to appeal transfer course decisions; see the Transfer Credit Appeal Policy. Complete and submit a Transfer Course Evaluation Appeal to the Transfer Student Services Office.

Time Limit

General education and elective credits have no transfer time limit. The timeliness of credits applied to career programs is considered when evaluating transfer credits. Technical career courses must be taken within the past five years to qualify for transfer and to fulfill technical program requirements.


The number of transfer credits granted per course will not exceed the number granted by the originating institution. The conversion of quarter hours to semester hours is 0.667 for each quarter hour.

Repeated Transfer Courses

When a course transfers as equivalent to a Century course and that course is later repeated at Century, only the credit and grade earned from Century College will be granted. If after completing a Century course, a course transfers as equivalent to that same course and if that course was completed during a year/term after the same Century course was completed, only the transfer credit will be granted. Students must complete and submit the Repeat of Course Form to the Records Office when transferring repeated courses. Veterans and other students who receive financial assistance from an outside agency should check for agency rules that do not permit payment for courses that are taken more than once.

Technical/Occupational/Vocational College Credits

Technical courses will be accepted and considered elective credit that will not count toward general education or Minnesota Transfer Curriculum course requirements. Students may petition to accept credits for those courses that are judged to be comparable or equivalent to technical courses offered at Century.

Credit for Prior Learning

Credit for prior learning achieved through college level alternatives or nontraditional education experiences are considered for transfer, according to published national standard guidelines established by The Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL), American Council on Education (ACE) and other similar national organizations. Applicable college level coursework recorded as “Credit by Examination” or “Test Out” on a student’s transcript from another college or institution will be considered for transfer.