The Alumni Business Directory is provided as a service to support our alumni-owned businesses, products, and service providers.

Alumni from Century, Lakewood, 916 AVTI and Northeast Metro Technical may submit a business, service, or product to the directory, and may choose to extended discounts to fellow alumni.

To add your company to the Alumni Business Directory, submit your information here.


Arts and Entertainment


Financial Services, Mortgages, and Accounting

 Food and Drink

Nutrition, Health, and Wellness

 Other Business or Service

Retail and Products

Visual Communications - Digital Services

Terms of Use

The use of this Directory for the purposes of solicitation, private, commercial or political mailing is prohibited.

Century College does not endorse or make any other representations concerning any of the businesses or services registered on the Alumni Business Directory.

Need to update your profile or add an alumni discount? Email with your edits.