Making a Difference

Matching Gifts

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The Century College Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, tax-exempt organization with a mission of transforming and enhancing the lives of our students. The Foundation provides educational opportunities, financial support and advocacy–one student at a time.

The Century College Foundation is proud to provide support to our students in a variety of ways, from scholarships for tuition and books to one-time emergency grants through the Acts of Kindness program.

Donations to the Century College Foundation are vitally important in this challenging economy. That’s why we are turning to individuals, corporations and foundations for help in maintaining the quality of student learning and making the dream of a college education affordable to all students.

Reasons for Giving

That’s why Century College is turning to individuals, corporations and foundations for help in maintaining the quality of student learning and making the dream of a college education affordable to all students.

Areas of Need

There are many ways you can help students succeed, including:

  • Scholarships

    The Century College Foundation awards more than $300,000 annually in student scholarships. It’s easy to become a philanthropist. If you’re interested in helping Century College students attain their educational goals, you may want to consider establishing a scholarship.
  • Acts of Kindness

    Through the Acts of Kindness program, the Foundation helps students in crisis situations stay in college instead of dropping out.
  • In-Kind Contributions

    The Foundation accepts in-kind gifts for equipment and supplies for several programs, including nursing, dental, interior design, automotive, paramedics, theatre, and orthotics and prosthetics.
  • Technology Support

    Technology allows an instructor to provide content in various ways to meet student needs.
  • Program Support

    Students need a vital, innovative curriculum. Funds to support this are critical to achieving this innovation and vitality. They also help faculty design new curriculum and new methodology.

Types of Gifts

Consider the following types of gifts, which can benefit you, our students, and the Foundation:

  • Cash
  • Securities
  • Gifts in kind
  • Life insurance
  • Bequests
  • Gift annuities
  • Matching gifts

If you wish to help secure the future of the Century College Foundation through a special arrangement, please contact the foundation office at 651-779-3338.

Corporate and Private Donors

The Foundation is grateful for the support of corporate and private donors who give scholarships for students and in-kind gifts for college programs. We also hold fundraising events with organizations and individuals to raise scholarships for students and to gain support for programs.