PSEO Guide to Success

The PSEO Guide to Success packet and 10th Grade PSEO Guide to Success packet is given to all PSEO students upon acceptance into the PSEO program. This packet is included with the official PSEO acceptance email.

This packet is subject to change without notice, and typically is updated each term. PSEO students are responsible for knowing all PSEO policies and procedures as outlined in the Guide to Success.

Registration Steps

Registration FAQs

Bookstore Information

PSEO students are allowed to receive all required textbooks and most course materials for enrolled classes at no charge to the student.

Prior to picking-up materials at the Bookstore it is the student’s responsibility to confirm their PSEO eligibility and complete the Bookstore agreement form found here.

Parent Resources

Once high school students apply to the PSEO program they are considered official college students and will be treated as such. This includes enforcing the college’s various data privacy laws and encouraging student independence throughout the rest of their journey as a PSEO student.

We want to support and encourage parent/guardian awareness of the PSEO program and what your student will be adhering to. We have gathered important PSEO policies and program information and encourage parents/guardians to review the information below. Should you have additional questions about any of the information in this section, please contact Katy Olson in the Admissions Office.