Career Counseling Services

Many students are undecided about their career plans or which academic program to pursue. Counselors can assist students in career decision-making, including strategies to explore interests, values, skills, personality, and life circumstances and how they relate to a student’s career choices. Career counseling differs from the Career Services and Industry Partnerships Center at Century which focuses on the employment seeking process (e.g. resume development, interviewing skills) and work experience (e.g. internships).

Career Counseling Services include:

  • Career counseling to discuss career exploration or changes
  • Professional career assessment interpretation such as the Strong Interest Inventory and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
  • Application of other assessments to explore personality, interests, values, skills and decision-making
  • Assistance with choosing an appropriate major or program of study
  • Workshops and other groups related to career development

To learn more about our services, please view Personal and Career Counseling Services.