TRIO ETS - Middle School Students

Welcome to the Middle School!

TRIO ETS is located at Battle Creek Middle School, Farnsworth Upper Campus, and Hazel Preparatory Park Academy. Our main focus for this age-group is helping our students feel ready for high school. We generally focus on academic improvement and some college and career exploration.

Student expectations

  • Check their emails and Schoology regularly
  • Engage in the program at least two times over the school year
  • Complete annual Needs Assessment (forms can be found in Schoology)

Student Programming

Every year we are looking for students who is interested in attending college. These are some activities we offer each year:

  • Academic, financial, career, or personal workshops
  • Career exploration and personality assessment
  • Tutoring services (
  • Information on postsecondary education
  • Exposure to college campuses
  • Financial literacy
  • Leadership development
  • Study skills (e.g., communication, study, test-taking skills)
  • Enrichment programs such as Flip Side (in-person and virtual for some)

Students interested in more details about 2024-2025 activities can email their advisors.


Afterschool Programming

Flipside and TRIO ETS

Century College TRIO ETS has collaborated with Flipside After School for the past few years, serving middle school-aged students in the Saint Paul Public Schools.

Flipside offers a wide variety of free, quality engaging programs for youth, based on their interests. The program is designed to help young people discover their interests and talents while developing a greater sense of belonging at school.

FALL 2024-25

2024 Fall Peak with Pete flyer TRIO ETS

Speak with Pete

Do you get nervous when presenting in front of the class? Do you want to create content to share your interests with others, but you feel embarrassed about doing it? Or simply want to gain some tips on how to communicate better? You are not alone; this class is the perfect place to start!

Learn the fundamentals of speaking and use the latest technology tools to help you. Create vlogs, work with other students, all in an engaging safe and supportive environment.

Unleash your greatness within and build confidence while doing it!

Tuesday & Thursday 4-6pm

Farnsworth Aerospace Upper Campus

2024 Fall One Step, One Punch, One Round flyer TRIO ETS

One Step, One Punch, One Round

UNLEASH YOUR ENERGY and build confidence with our Boxing Class designed specifically for you! This dynamic program offers a fun, engaging way to stay active while learning the fundamentals of boxing.

Join us for a knockout afterschool experience that blends fitness, fun, science, and learning in every punch!

Monday and Wednesday 3-5pm

Battle Creek Middle School

To Register for Classes: 2024-2025 Flipside Registration Form

Pete K. Wong - TRIO ETS Afterschool Coordinator