Congratulations Seniors!

We hope you are proud of yourself! You’re less than ONE year away from graduating high school. It may be a hard year but your Advisor is here to help. Don’t hesitate to reach out to your Advisor if you need support clarifying plans, have questions, or just need to talk about overwhelming feelings you may have about your last year in high school!

Decisions, decisions…

Nothing in life goes according to plan because chaos and unexpected things happen. This section will help you start the process early and guide you, so take it with a grain of salt and be flexible.

Here’s a little side note: Are you Type-A or Type-B? Or a Type-C kind of student?

It might just help you understand your approach to tasks.

Infographic to help you determine if you are a type A, B, or C student.

Student Type Characteristics

Type A: Self-driven, Competitive, Achievers, Risk-takers

Type B: Charismatic, Easy-going, Not easily stressed, Lacking in a sense of urgency

Type C: Introverts, Lone workers, Sticklers for detail, Perfectionists, Stress prone

Things to Consider in the College Application Process